No Matches


The class is not quite finished yet. At the moment it supports most of the features of the Si5351A chip. Nevertheless, it should also be sufficient for many applications with the other variants.

Contributions are welcome, preferably as commit requests.


In CMakeLists.txt

add_library(Si5351 Si5351.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Si5351 pico_stdlib hardware_i2c)
Definition Si5351.hpp:8


#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/i2c.h"
#include "Si5351.hpp"
const auto I2C_PORT {i2c0};
const uint8_t I2C_SDA {0};
const uint8_t I2C_SCL {1};
int main()
i2c_init(I2C_PORT, 400*1000);
gpio_set_function(I2C_SDA, GPIO_FUNC_I2C);
gpio_set_function(I2C_SCL, GPIO_FUNC_I2C);
Si5351 si5351;
si5351.setClkControl(0, false, false, 0, false, 3, 8);
si5351.setPllParameters('a', 35, 0, 1033);
si5351.setMultisynth0to5parameters(0, 90, 0, 15);
si5351.setOutput(0, true);
return 0;
void setPllParameters(const char pll, const uint32_t integer, const uint32_t numerator, const uint32_t denominator)
Sets the PLL dividers.
Definition Si5351.cpp:273
void setMultisynth0to5parameters(const uint8_t multisynth, const uint32_t integer, const uint32_t num, const uint32_t denom, uint8_t outDiv=0) const
Configures the multisynth divider 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
Definition Si5351.cpp:165
void setPllInputSource(const uint8_t inputDivider, const uint8_t sourceB=0, const uint8_t sourceA=0)
Sets the clock input divider.
Definition Si5351.cpp:250
void resetPll(const char pll) const
Resets PLLA or PLLB.
Definition Si5351.cpp:112
void setClkControl(const uint8_t clkIndex, bool powerDown, bool intMode, uint8_t inputSource, bool invert, uint8_t outputSource, uint8_t strength)
Definition Si5351.cpp:137
void setOutput(const uint8_t clkIndex, const bool enabled)
Enables or disables a single output driver.
Definition Si5351.cpp:213


There is an API documentation. It is strongly recommended to read the Si5351 datasheet as well as Application Note 219.

To do

  • Throw exceptions instead of using default values or ignoring values.
  • Fully support chip variants B and C.
  • Add Multisynth6 and Multisynth7.
  • Support spread spectrum.
  • Support phase offset.
  • Enable fanout.
  • Support DIVBY4.
  • Support multisynth integer mode.